The biggest problem with the site has been being able to show some video to people who are not registered users. I wanted to be able to show a few teasers now and then and also have the option to do video blogs etc. Well it cost me some money to hire a website expert. He couldn’t figure it out either but some of the things he tried sparked and idea and I figured out a solution. Now that I got that working the next step will be to make some tweaks to the site and sex it up a bit.
A porn site reviewer was going to review my site but when he looked at it he said it was crap. Misspelled words, the layout was lameand except for the videos it was very boring. Hey i know it is lame, but do people really sign up to the site because it is pretty or because they want to watch the videos? I think it is the videos and here is why. .Most registered users log in and guests sign up early in the morning before work, right afterwork, or late evening. A few also hit it at lunch time. This coincides with the three times of day most men and boys jack off. So when they log in or sign up, it is not to look at the boring lame website with misspelled words.
The site will get prettier over time. I mean I cannot fuck and edit porn all the time. i can’t find enough guys in DC who are willing to be videoed to do that. That being said though the vids are the priority, and sexing up the site is second. Happy Wanking men!