We are often asked what we do when we are not fucking and making videos. Well, we do like to go to movies.
We go to the mainstream theatres but my favorite is the good ol’ Old Towne Theatre in Old Town Alexandria. The owner can be a drunken Douche-bag, the food is terrible, the sound system is aweful and the projection is often blurred and breaks down in the middle of a picture. That being said, the seats are comfortable and you can buy beer and wine to drink while watching a movie. Patrons of this establishiment attend with a sense of humor and like myself, are disappointed if everything goes smoothly. you kow the old saying ” There is nothing like a top-notch professio0nal type outfit.” and the Odt Town Theatre ain’t nothing like it. I absolutely love the place.
So, I have a tendency to rate movies by how many beers I have while watching them. The better the movie, the fewer the beers because I don’t want to miss anything.
Kick-Ass – One Beer: Loved it. this movie was so entertaining from start to finish
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Two Beers: this movie is actually worthyof a ‘One Beer’ rating but Nicolas Cage would have wanted me to have another while I enjoyed his movie.
Despicalble Me – One Beer: The Cub dragged me to the movie and I just wasn’t getting it at all. I finally looked over at him and said what in the fuck are those little yellow guys supposed to be and he said,” They’re Minions” and something clicked in my head. I sat back and let the 8 year old inside me my head drive the bus during the movie and I guarded the caged evil monkey in the back of my head so the 8 year old could enjoy the show. (If you are not a Gary Busey fan you chances are you will not understand what i just wrote.) The movie had me laughinig out loud and I decided Steve Carell is ok but I still refuse to watch “The Office.”
Salt – One Beer: Great acting, great story line, great action …. the whole thing look like it was written for Harrison Ford but he was to old so they put Angolina Jolie in the lead instead.
Narnia 3 – Three Beers: Ok but same ol’ same ol’ if you have seen one narnia you have seen them all. At least you know what to expect.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 – Three Beers” Wrap it up already! ….Geeeez
Clash of the Titans – 5 Beers: Total waste of time. when they dissed the original, I thought Joey was going to getup and walk out.
Expendable – 5 Beers: what a total turd. Two hours of my life I won’t ever get back and it wasn’t worth it. I was looking forward to this one, but the story line and plot were so stupid, even Jaun Claude Van Damme wouldn’t do it. Smart move.
Legend of the Gaurdians – 3 Beers: Actually was more like four beers but i fell asleep during the movie. Classic Good conquers Evil …yadda….yadda….yadda
Predators – 5 beers plus … had to take a taxi home … This movie is a great example of taking a good idea and runing it into the ground.
Iron Man 2 – One Beer – I LOVE Morton Downey Jr. … though the movie was a little to fast paced I think … you really had to pay attention to follow along.
Twilight 3 -Four Beers. I don’t know what they were thinking but this series gets more comedicĀ with each trelease. the were-wolf is a cutie though damn.
Toy Story 3 – One Beer. Nice wrap up of the series … Christmas time classic
Karate Kid – One Beer – Excellent remake and Jackie chan is still hot. It had just enough twists and turns to make it more than just your standard remake.
Shrek 4 – 2-Beers. the trouble with Shrek was that they went into it without any sequals in mind. And it shows when they try to remake magic and it isn’t there.
Robin Hood – 6 Beers. – Why oh why do they keep remaking this story?
Alic in Wonderland – 3 Beers . It was okay but really didn’t do anything for me