I am beginning to hear this a lot lately but I want whoever may be interested to know that I am still here, alive and well on planet earth.
A couple of years ago we moved back to Atlanta from Washington DC because of a job offer I could not refuse but after a couple of years, the allure of the position was not as appealing as it had started out to be. For one thing, I was working so much that I had little time for extra curricular activities, such as fucking young men senseless and making videos etc.
Earlier this year I changed jobs and started working from home. As soon as I secured the position I turned to Joey and said,” Where do you want to live?” The two serious considerations were New York City or Saint Petersburg Florida. We decided on Saint Petersburg Florida. We bought a beautiful condo in May and had it redone, and proceeded to move into it over several weeks. We finally finished on July 4rth. Needless to say a few videos were made during that time but not many.
During this time, the Middle East, China, and parts of Africa realized my little amateur site was getting past their internet security. I don’t want to go into details, but lets just say it caused a bit if a fuss. Daddy Ken is now blocked in the Middle East, China, and parts of Africa.
We spent most of July settling in and resting up and just enjoying life in a subtropical paradise. We made a few videos, bought a new bed, and then reinforced the bed to withstand the punishment it would receive.
The plan was, to go back to Atlanta for Dragon Con and then come back to St. Petersburg and start ramping up the videoing again.
We were walking over to get our badges to get into Dragon con the day before it started and that is when I tripped and fell and fucked up my good knee. I will dedicate another post to the knee situation but as I am writing this I am 11 weeks post op.
Still having problems with stairs and being on my knees fucking is still four to six weeks away. Though limited on positions, I can still fuck, and we are beginning to make videos again. Being a design engineer, i am also seriously looking at making a Sling, fuck bench etc.
The fall happened September 1st and surgery was a few days after that. The past three months have been spent staring at 24 hour news channels covering the election while stoned on maximum doses of percocet, while my leg atrophied in am immobilizer. It was not what you would call a good time.
Anyways, to close this out, I will get a many vids up as I can before the end of the year and start fixing all the little things wrong with the site, thanks to security issues etc.
I am still here, still fucking, still videoing and will be doing so for as long as I can get it up, and fans still want to be fucked.
Happy Holidays and Happy Wanking!
Daddy Ken