My take on the election and our country’s future; if anybody really cares.

The great part about having a blog is that it is mine and no one can tell me what or what not to put in it.

This is not a pro Obama commentary, though I gladly admit I did vote for him.

Whether you voted for Obama or not, the mere presence of the Obama administration marks a major turning point in America’s history. Since 1776 or country has been run and controlled pretty much by the white majority middle class and higher class population. We know this group today by the term “Republicans” and right wing conservatives.  W said it best when he called them the “Haves and Have Mores.” After the civil war, things have slowly evolved and changed. I am going to skip over a lot of history here for the sake of brevity.

When Obama won the nomination to run for president the first time in 2008, it was not a fluke. Is was a milestone in American History. It was the death of the white baby-boomer middle and upper class majority being in control of the country. The Republican party, and right wing conservatives went into the first stage of grief, which is known as denial.  Then people came out en-mass and their voices were heard in our free nation and the people elected Obama President. The majority elected an African American President of the United states of America. To best illustrate the republican right wing conservative denial, top republicans vowed to make sure Obama was a one term president. They failed.

For the sake of brevity lets skip over the electron process.  Both sides resorted to tactics that no one can rightfully be proud of.

When Obama was elected a second time the denial of the white baby boomer majority progressed to the second stage of grief which would be anger.  My best example of that is Fox News and the rantings of a few conservative radio talk show hosts I refuse to even mention by name in my blog.

This brings us to what I think is the most fascinating stage in the death of the white baby-boomer majority. The third stage of grief is bargaining and we have this nasty little thing called a “Fiscal Cliff” coming up at the end of the year. Obama has vowed not to bargain on taxing the “Haves and Have Mores” or “Obamcare.”  Everything else is on the table.  Obama won fair and square and Paul Ryan even admitted it though Mittens did not. Now the Republicans in the House of Representatives must “Lip Sync for Their Lives.” The problem is not whether they win or lose, the Fiscal Cliff debate, it is to what degree they lose. Let’s say the President holds firm, (I think he will) and the Republicans don’t budge and all the tax increases take effect. The spilled blood of our current economic recovery will be on the hands of the Republicans. Republicans will die a very fast and ugly death (figuratively speaking I hope) by the new American majority.  However, if they do bargain and an agreement is made, they buy a chance to fight another election. So they must bargain if they hope to survive at all, and give the President what he wants and more importantly what the people have said they want. Even if it is only a 3% popular vote majority,  it is still the majority, and we are still the USA.

So let’s say the white baby-boomer majority does force its Republican constituents in the House of Representative to bargain and thus live to fight another day.  The forth stage or grief is depression. As we  watch the USA inevitably evolve into a country, culture, and society not unlike what Gene Roddenberry envisioned fifty years ago, those white baby-boomer majority folks are going to get more and more depressed. A group of clinically depressed people are not going to be a very cooperative and cohesive bunch. To illustrate this example, put 3 random gay men and 3 random lesbians in a room and tell them they can’t come out until they order a pizza that everybody in the room will eat.  It can’t be done. (That was a joke. I am a gay man and though today very proud, I have been depressed. I have also lived this pizza scenario many many times. I am allowed to poke fun at myself and my gay brothers and sisters.)

There is an upside to all of this. The last stage of grief is acceptance. When Obama leaves office in four years, Bill Clinton will become the first male “First Lady” and the most ruthless shrewd and intelligent political warrior in modern history will be leader of the free world. When this happens, the last stage of grief will begin for the white baby boomer majority “Haves and Have Mores.”  Our new woman warrior leader will be accepted. For the ultra right wing neo-conservatives it will be more palatable than an African American. For the rest of us, it will merely be the natural most logical progression into the future. With this new acceptance cooperation will ensue.  There will be a generation of peace, prosperity and cooperation here in the USA and across the globe. Clinton’s resurrection of Camelot will blossom as never before. For eight glorious years, life will be good and the world will be at peace.  We will be carving her face on Mt Rushmore.

Beyond 2024 things start getting a little fuzzy …. but then nothing lasts forever.

To all of my fans that have actually asked me for my take on the election, I hope this answers your question.

Happy Wanking!
Daddy Ken


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One Response to My take on the election and our country’s future; if anybody really cares.

  1. Daddy Ken says:

    Okay the last part was kinda Pro-Obama … but hey … my guy won.

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